Saturday, August 1, 2009

Then and now....

I have had a passion for food my whole life or at least as far back as I can remember(for those who know me will find that amusing). I was the child in school who ate the green beans that came with the school lunch and chose PB&J over pizza. I was the teenager that gave her best friend her lunch money as a trade off for her homemade lunch just because it tasted better. Now, I am the adult who loves bacon and chooses to grate potatoes by hand even though I have lost chunks of my fingers; all because it just tastes better.

With all this craziness inside me, I decided to enroll in culinary school in New York(gasp!). It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do but I loved every minute of it. Even when I was getting burned, never doing a good med dice and accidentally causing a giant fireball while deglazing my pan; I was at my happiest.

Now having graduated school, I found myself needing to fill that void. My sudden unemployment left me with a lot of time and cooking magazines on my hands. Experimenting at home: what else could be better! Having tried hundreds of recipes, I decided it was my turn to be creative.

While having a beer with a good friend, I was telling him some of the crazy things that have happened while I was doing my experimenting. Being the savvy guy he is he suggested I start a blog. Me being the person I am I say "who would want to read what I write". Then at that point I started to realize it doesn't matter who wants to read it, what matters is that I have something to say. Enter The Slanted Potato Blog, stage left. Thank you and enjoy the ride.


  1. you've always loved my mom's sandwiches and the little notes she left for me in the bag too. lol

  2. Jenn! Hi, it's Alice! I can help you with Pies! I hate to bake, except for PIES! I have a recipe from my Nannie (Polish) for the crust ... much better than Pillsbury because it comes out flakey and soft and nice. Can I come over with my rolling pin?
