Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dear Blog, We meet again..

As I was laying in bed the other night; I felt the need, the need to blog. Then I realized it had been a very long time since I had posted anything. I did not realize that a long time was specifically over a year. Apparently, I haven't had anything worth mentioning in over a year.. le sigh. For the two people that read this I apologize :)

So what caused the sudden urge to write something you ask? I feel the need to share my crazy and hopefully attainable choice. Everyone who knows me knows that I have been exercising and dieting like a woman on a mission. Which essentially I am. After losing 70 lbs and feeling pretty healthy; I began wondering if there was more I could do to become healthier. I have also hit a plateau so something to "shock" my body is in need. After a lot of thinking and reading; I have decided to go vegetarian. Yes, me a vegetarian shocking I know. With my love for bacon and it being my favorite food group, it definitly a hard decision to make.

With all the "stuff" that is being added to food lately; I am thinking and hoping I made the right decision. Now just to alter my entire way of eating..again. Vegetarian recipes here I come.

On a totally unrelated side note, my new favorite thing is working out outside! I love it! It doesn't suck as much as I thought it would. It is a new type of challenge. Running here I come!!!

If anyone has any words of advice please let me know!